12 easy ways to cut down on daily expenses

Spending money on small expenses might seem insignificant, but in fact they are slowly draining bank accounts and racking up credit card bills. If a $10 a day latte habit seems minor, consider the expense of more than $3,600 per year.  Making small, relatively painless changes can yield big savings. Here are a dozen ways to […]

Feb 25th – In a Relationship: How to Get Your Financial “House” in Order

One of the leading causes of divorce is money issues. During this evening, we have our guest speaker, family lawyer Melanie Magnusson, who will be going over a series of topics pertaining to the financial realities in a partnership.  Date: Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, wine at 6:30, workshop at 7:00 Location: Creekside Community Centre – 1 […]