12 easy ways to cut down on daily expenses

Spending money on small expenses might seem insignificant, but in fact they are slowly draining bank accounts and racking up credit card bills. If a $10 a day latte habit seems minor, consider the expense of more than $3,600 per year.  Making small, relatively painless changes can yield big savings. Here are a dozen ways to […]

Fancy Pants or Millions? A Modern Parable:

Once upon a time there were two ladies. They both needed to buy some new undies and asked me along for a day of girl shopping. Mrs Spendy steered us to the fanciest store in town. She found a gorgeous pair of panties and a bra in red silk and lace which cost $155 and […]

How Do I Prepare for Separation?

Lately, I’ve met a lot of people, women in particular who are separating from their spouse.  It may be a bit depressing but since 40% of first marriages (and much higher for 2nd marriages) end up this way, it is a reality.  My friends that have divorced found it difficult, but in the end they […]