March 23 – Building an Investment Retirement Plan that Works

Will I Have Enough? Building a Retirement Plan that Works:

Why should finances matter to women? Canadian stats are clear:

More commonly than not, women will be on their own for at least some time in adulthood:
• Women live longer than men
• Women have more years in retirement
• Divorce rates are high, and often lower a woman’s standard of living

Women have lower incomes, assets and net worth than men:
• Women are more likely to leave the workforce for periods of time or work part-time
• Women get paid less
• Women are not good negotiators

Investment Planner, Laura Chanin will show you how to make a retirement savings plan. Come and learn how to crunch your numbers.

•  Learn what income you will receive in retirement from the government
• What are the unexpected considerations for retirement i.e. what could derail your plans
• How much do you really need to save to have a great retirement
• What are the various vehicles to save money for retirement
• Go through a step by step guide to figuring out how much you need to save so that you don’t outlive your savings in retirement

 Buy your tickets now!